SimpleDynMeshBuilder > ShapeGeneratorLibrary > Get Curved Stairs Params

Get Curved Stairs Params

Gets the parameters required for generating curved stairs.
Uses default values if the param is not found


Shape Data
S Dyn Shape Data Structure
Dyn Shape Data containing the params for this shape


Step Width
Float (double-precision)
The width of the steps for the stairs
Step Height
Float (double-precision)
The height of each step in the stairs (Total = Step Height * Num Steps)
Inner Radius
Float (double-precision)
The radius of the outer circle from which to revolve the stairs
Curve Angle
Float (double-precision)
The total angle from start to finish
Num Steps
The number of steps in the stairs
Whether the stairs should be floating or go down to the base
I would advise using this any time you have high curve angle (Values above 360 will overlap the earlier stairs)